One of the keys to achievement is a willingness to hang on to your hopes and dreams. Believe that the future you see for yourself will happen. In the process of pursuing our dreams things sometimes go wrong. Rather, things do not happen the way we desire they should. When this occurs, some people decide to give up on their dreams. Today I want to encourage you to hang in there and do not give
Read MoreOne of the things we love as humans is predictability. We would like to know how things work and how they will work out. Predictability gives the human mind a sense of comfort and control. This approach to living is sometimes the thing that gets us all disturbed with the way the Lord works in our life. Sometimes we confuse God’s promise of consistency with predictability. By this I mean that we often expect God
Read MoreIn Ephesians 1:17-20, the Apostle Paul prays that the saints at Ephesus would really gain an understanding of what God had done for them and what they had received because of their faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul recognized that this understanding was and still is critical for the believer’s walk. So here is a prayer guide to help you to pray this prayer for yourself. Lord, I pray that you would give
Read MoreMost Christians believe that God has a great purpose for our lives. We also tend to believe that as we surrender ourselves to him through faith in Jesus Christ his purpose in our lives is revealed more and more. Now it is great to know that God has a purpose for our life. The challenge is living our daily lives focused on purpose instead of focused on problems. In your day how often do you
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