In Ephesians 1:17-20, the Apostle Paul prays that the saints at Ephesus would really gain an understanding of what God had done for them and what they had received because of their faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul recognized that this understanding was and still is critical for the believer’s walk. So here is a prayer guide to help you to pray this prayer for yourself.
Lord, I pray that you would give me wisdom and revelation so that I might fully know you. Lord open the eyes of my heart so that I will be able to understand you internally. This understanding will give me real insight into the expectation of your call upon my life; this will give me a deeper understanding of the rich inheritance of the saints.
Help me Lord to comprehend what all of this means. Cause me to experience the reality of your exceeding great power that you have worked out on behalf of every believer; even your mighty power that you have poured upon us in great measure.
Lord remove the blinders so that I can realize the amazing practical and real power you have bestowed upon me through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I know this is more than a theory. Now Lord help me to realize who I am and what I possess through the faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Awesome Prayer- Thank you!
Yes in Jesus name Amen 🙏.